• Learning with AI

    In the ever-evolving landscape of learning and development, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a transformative force. Its potential to revolutionise workplace learning, improve knowledge retention and support the professional development of employees is increasingly recognised. However, as with any technological advancement, there are exciting opportunities and caveats to consider. For L&D practitioners, these include […]

  • The Cur8 Competence Check

    The Cur8 Competence Check is a tool to help visualise your competences for critical curation. It also helps you to reflect about your understanding and awareness of the topics covered by the CUR8 training. To carry out the Cur8 Competence Check, go to https://mahara.vita-eu.org/survey/cur8_questionnaire1 and follow the instructions. After filling in the questionnaire, you will […]

  • Digital Wellbeing

    The Cur8 Digital Wellbeing workbook explains the concept of Digital Wellbeing, getting you to think about your own wellbeing and to recognise the symptoms of ‘digital burnout’. It offers a range of strategies that you can implement for organising your digital activity and recognising potential areas for improvement.   Download OER resource: Workbook “Digital Wellbeing” […]

  • The Evolving Role of the CVET Educator

    This module explores the digital skills and competences that L&D professionals need to effectively support the upskilling and reskilling of adult learners through Continuing Vocational Education and Training (CVET). While it provides an overview of a range of digital learning approaches, the focus is on the development of the specific digital skills needed to support […]

  • Learners in the Online Environment

    The days of the educator-centred classroom are long gone. Across schools, universities and educational centres there is a growing understanding that only the learner can bear the responsibility of their own learning, and the educator, rather than a simple repository of knowledge, should be taking on the roles of an inspiration, a tutor, an advisor, […]

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