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  • Lernpfad (DE) $20.00

    Mit lernpfad.ch lassen sich einzelne Lernschritte in strukturierte Lernpfade für selbstgesteuertes Lernen zusammenfassen.

  • My Curator for WordPress $20.00

    Quickly curate content from the web. Offers automated posting to WordPress site. Bulk curation tools for collecting multiple pieces of content.

  • Ogy (DE) $20.00

    Einfach Kurzlinks und QR-Codes erzeugen.

  • Padlet $21.00

    Gather web content; share thoughts and ideas.

  • Scoop.it $21.00

    Research and publish content. Publish topic pages. Specific content curation for websites/blogs, knowledge sharing or personal branding.

  • Slovored (BG) $20.00

    Български онлайн речник: синонимен, тълковен, правописен, транслитерация, граматически съкрашения, ударения, сричкопренасяне, граматика

  • Symbaloo $21.00

    A curation tool that organises online resources, games, videos, and other files into ’tiles’

  • TaskCards (DE) $20.00

    TaskCards ist ein digitales Schwarzes Brett und bietet eine DSGVO-konforme Alternative zu Padlet.

  • Telegra.ph $21.00

    A simple tool for simple one-page websites with text, images, links and embedded videos without registration.

  • VideoLink $21.00

    Show videos ad-free and without distractions.

  • Wakelet $21.00

    Gather web contect and bookmark it

  • xTiles $20.00

    xTiles is one of the newest visual note-taking tools on the market. It aims to be a flexible workspace for visually organizing notes, links, images, videos and other content in an intuitive way.

  • Zotero $21.00

    Gather sources for research and share them


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