Mit lassen sich einzelne Lernschritte in strukturierte Lernpfade für selbstgesteuertes Lernen zusammenfassen.
Quickly curate content from the web. Offers automated posting to WordPress site. Bulk curation tools for collecting multiple pieces of content.
Research and publish content. Publish topic pages. Specific content curation for websites/blogs, knowledge sharing or personal branding.
Български онлайн речник: синонимен, тълковен, правописен, транслитерация, граматически съкрашения, ударения, сричкопренасяне, граматика
A curation tool that organises online resources, games, videos, and other files into ’tiles’
TaskCards ist ein digitales Schwarzes Brett und bietet eine DSGVO-konforme Alternative zu Padlet.
A simple tool for simple one-page websites with text, images, links and embedded videos without registration.
xTiles is one of the newest visual note-taking tools on the market. It aims to be a flexible workspace for visually organizing notes, links, images, videos and other content in an intuitive way.
The Cur8 project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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